ASP.NET Tutorial

.NET Framework

ASP.NET Introduction

ASP.NET Web Forms

Standard Controls

Label Control

TextBox Control

Image Control

Button Controls

Redirecting User

Using HyperLinks

RadioButton Control


CheckBox Control

CheckBoxList Control


ListBox Control

ImageMap Control

Event-Driven Programming

ASP.NET Page Structure


Master Page

View State

Visibility of Controls

Formatting Controls

Applying CSS

Dynamic CSS

Using Style Class

Themes and Skins

Panel Control

PlaceHolder Control

AdRotator Control

Calendar Control

File Upload, Virtual Path

Validation Controls

Page Navigation

User Control

Separating Code-Presentation

Overview of ADO.NET

Data Binding

DataBinding List Control

Controlling Visibility of Controls

You can create Web pages with optional sections that are shown only if certain criteria are met. For instance, if you are creating an online FAQ (frequently asked questions), you may initially hide the answers and show them if the user wishes to see them.
ASP.NET controls have a visible property that controls whether the controls are rendered. If the value of this property is set False, the control is not displayed on screen.
Web controls also have an Enabled property. If this property is set False, it appears on screen but does not function. IE 4.0 and higher versions display the control as grayed out. Other browsers may show the control normally but it does not function.


Visible Enable