String is a collection of characters or String is an array of character which is terminated by a null character '\0'. To input a string use format '%s'. String is denoted in double quotes ("").
The limitation of using scanf() is that it will not accept spaces while inputting a string. To accept string with spaces or sentence use following syntax:
scanf("%[^\n]s", variable-name);
Another way of inputting a string including spaces is by using gets() function, gets is a string function in stdio.h, in which get is for input and s is for string/sentence. Syntax:
gets(a); //a is variable name of type string
Example 1: WAP to Input a string using scanf() and display it.
void main() { char a[20]; clrscr(); printf("Enter string: "); scanf("%s",&a); printf("Output: %s",a); getch(); }
Example 2: WAP to Input a string using gets and display it.
void main() { char a[20]; clrscr(); printf("Enter string: "); gets(a); puts(a); //printf("%s",a); getch(); }
Example 3: WAP to initialize a string
void main() { char s1[] = "C-Language"; char s2[] = {'C','-','L','a','n','g','u','a','g','e'}; char s3[10]; clrscr(); s3[0] = 'C'; s3[1] = '-'; s3[2] = 'L'; s3[3] = 'a'; s3[4] = 'n'; s3[5] = 'g'; s3[6] = 'u'; s3[7] = 'a'; s3[8] = 'g'; s3[9] = 'e'; printf("S1 = %s\n",s1); printf("S2 = %s\n",s2); printf("S3 = %s\n",s3); getch(); }
S.No. | Function | Syntax | Description |
strlen | int i=strlen(a); | Calculate length of String and return an integer value. | |
strrev | strrev(a); | Reverse the string. | |
strupr | strupr(a); | Convert string into capital letters. | |
strlwr | strlwr(a); | Convert string into small letters. | |
strcpy | strcpy(b,a); | Copy contents of a into b. | |
strcat | strcat(b,a); | Append contents of one string into another. | |
strcmp | int i=strcmp(a,b); | Compare two strings and return a integer value. Value is one of the following: a. Return 0 if both string are equal b. Return Greater than 0 if 1st string is greater c. Return Less than 0 if 2nd string is greater. |
strcmpi or stricmp | len=strcmpi(a,b); | Compare 2 strings same as strcmp but it will ignore cases. i means ignore cases. | |
strncmp | strncmp(b,a,n); | Compare two Strings but only 1st n specified characters, where n is a integer number. | |
strncmpi | strncmpi(b,a,n); | Compare two Strings but only 1st n specified characters also it will ignore cases. | |
strncpy | strncpy(b,a,n); | Copy only n specified characters. | |
strncat | strncat(b,a,n); | Concatenate only n specified characters. |
Example 1: Input string and find its length.
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> void main() { char name[20]; int len; clrscr(); printf("Enter name"); gets(name); len = strlen(name); printf("Length = %d",len); getch(); }
Example 2: Input string and reverse it.
void main() { char s[20]; clrscr(); printf("Enter String"); gets(s); strrev(s); printf("Reverse String is %s", s); getch(); }
Example 3: Input string and convert it into capital letters.
void main() { char s[30]; clrscr(); printf("Enter string"); gets(s); strupr(s); printf("String in Capital = %s",s); getch(); }
Example 4: Input string and convert it into small letters.
void main() { char s[30]; clrscr(); printf("Enter string"); gets(s); strlwr(s); printf("String in Lower = %s",s); getch(); }
Example 5: Input string and copy into another variable.
void main() { char s1[20], s2[20]; clrscr(); printf("Enter string"); gets(s1); //input string strcpy(s2,s1); //copy string printf("After Copy String is: %s",s2); //output new string getch(); }