Core Java Tutorial

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Java Statement

Java If statement

Java Switch statement

Java Loops

Java Jumping Statement

Java Arrays 1D

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Java Variable Size Array

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User-Defined Method

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Java Jumping Statement

Jumping statements are used to pass the control to the beginning or end of the program block

Types of Jumping Statements are:

  1. Break
  2. Continue
  3. Return


Break is mostly use inside a loop. It will terminate a loop in between the execution.


Continue statement is use to skip the statements but control remain in execution.


Return is mostly used to return the control back to the function call. It can return with or without value.

Labeled loop

Loop1: for (i=1; i<=10; i++)
    Loop2: for (j=1; j<=10; j++)
        if (j==5)
            break loop1;
hello 4 times.
Updated: 24-Mar-20