Define MSSQL

SQL Data Types

SQL Commands

SQL Create Database

SQL Create Table

SQL Insert Into

SQL Select Query

SQL Orderby

SQL Update Command

Truncate Delete Drop

SQL Select Top

SQL Constraints

SQL Alias

SQL Joins

SQL Union, intersect

SQL Select Into

SQL Insert Into Select

SQL Indexes

SQL Alter Table

SQL AutoIncrement

SQL View

SQL Date Functions


SQL Aggregate Functions

SQL Group By

SQL Scalar functions

Stored Procedure

MS-SQL Select

The SELECT statement is used to retrieve data from a database. Example:
Select * From Customer
Select Name, City from Customer
Select distinct City from customer
SQL WHERE Clause: The WHERE clause is used to extract only those records that fulfill a specified criterion.
It is used to filter records.
Select * from customer where City = 'Delhi' //for text use single quotes
Select * from customer where id = 1

Operators used in WHERE Clause:
= , <> , > , < , >= , <= , Between , Like , In , And , Or , Not

Select * from customer where City = 'Ahmedabad' and Name = 'Ramesh'
Select * from customer where City = 'Bhopal' or city = 'Mumbai'
Select * from customer where Name='Harry' and (City='Delhi' or City='Bhopal')

The BETWEEN operator is used to select values within a range.
Select * from customer where Postal_Code between 110000 and 300000
Select * from customer where Postal_Code Not between 110000 and 300000
Select * from customer where name between 'c' and 'm'

SQL Wildcard Characters: In SQL, wildcard characters are used with the SQL LIKE operator. SQL wildcards are used to search for data within a table.
% - A substitute for zero or more characters
_ - A substitute for a single character
[charlist] - Ranges of characters to match
[^charlist] - Matches only a character NOT specified within the brackets

The LIKE operator is used to search for a specified pattern in a column.
1. Select * from customer where name like 'a%'
2. Select * from customer where name like '%y'
3. Select * from customer where name like '%am%'
4. Select * from customer where name not like '%am%'
5. Select * from customer where name like '_arry'
6. Select * from customer where name like '_a__y'
7. Select * from customer where name like '[akm]%'
8. Select * from customer where name like '[a-c]%'
9. Select * from customer where name like '[^akm]%'
10. Select * from customer where name not like '[akm]%'

The IN operator allows you to specify multiple values in a WHERE clause.
Select * from customer where City in ('Bhopal', 'Indore')