MySQL ALTER TABLE command is used to add, modify, or delete columns in an existing table.
To add a column in a table, use the following syntax:
ALTER TABLE [table_name] ADD [column_name] [datatype];
The following SQL Command adds an "doj" column to the "student" table:
ALTER TABLE student ADD doj varchar(10);
To change the data type of a column in a table, use the following syntax:
ALTER TABLE [table_name] MODIFY COLUMN [column_name] [datatype];
The following SQL Command modifies an "doj" column to the "student" table:
To delete a column in a table, use the following syntax:
ALTER TABLE [table_name] DROP COLUMN [column_name];
The following SQL deletes the "email" column from the "student" table:
ALTER TABLE [table_name] DROP COLUMN email;
ALTER TABLE statement is also used to add and drop various constraints on an existing table.
ALTER TABLE [table_name] DROP COLUMN [column_name];
The following SQL deletes the "email" column from the "student" table:
ALTER TABLE [table_name] DROP COLUMN email;