Google Page

Google Fonts are open source and available for everyone. There are more than 1000 of fonts available at Google Font website. You can use any font in web application or software application by either attach a copy of the font (download) or simply embed(online url) the fonts in the document.

Example 1: Attach Google Font without downloading in just 3 simple steps.

Step 1: Open Google Font website.

Step 2: Select the Font by click on (+) button

Step 3: Attach the font link in your head section of the html file, and specify css font family property in css.

Example 2: Attach Google Font by downloading font in just 3 simple steps.

Step 1: Open Google Font website.

Step 2: Select the Font by click on (+) button, than click download button.

Step 3: put the font download font in your website folder, and write the following code in css file.

@font-face {
   font-family: myfont;

    font-family: myfont;