DS Introduction

Flow Chart

Define Data Structure


DS Data Types

DS Stack

DS Queue

Number System

Sparse Matrix


Application of Stack

DS Linked List

DS Functions

DS Tree

DS Graph


Exercise Searching


Hash Table

DS Questions

Flow Chart

Flow chart is a pictorial representation of step by step solution of a program.

There are various symbols used to make flow chart.
S.No.SymbolSymbol NameDescription
start and stopOvalTerminal use for start and stop
process flowchart symbolRectangleProcessing box
input output symbolParallelogramInput/Output Box
Decision boxRhombusDecision Box
arrow symbolArrowsDirection of flow
connector symbol.jpgCircleConnector

flow chart input output

Example: Draw a flow chart to find the sum of 2 numbers.

Advantages of Flow Chart

  1. Easy to understand.
  2. Concentrate on the logic of the problem.
  3. Provide effective help in debugging and maintaining a program.