In Django, conditional statement is used to check for a condition, if the condition is true it execute a block of statements and if the condition is false then it execute another block of statements. This all done with the help of if-elif-else statement.
Example 1: Find number is odd or even.
path('odd-even', views.odd-even, name="odd-even")
def odd-even(request): c=''; if request.method=="POST": n=eval(request.POST.get('num1')) if n%2==0: c='Even' else c='Odd' return render(request, 'odd-even.html', {'c':c})
<form method="post"> {% csrf_token %} Enter Number <input type="text" name="num1"> <button>Submit</button> <p>Output: {{c}}</p> </form>
Exercise 1: Create simple marksheet.