Difference Between Structure and Class

The most important feature of C++ is the 'class'. A class is an extension of the idea of structures used in C-language. It is a new way of creating and implementing a user-defined data type. C++ classes are similar to structures in C-language, but with the major differences, lets understand that:

Difference Between Structure and Class
S.No. Structure Class
By default, members of the structure are public By default, members of the class is private
All data declared in structure is public, do not permit data hiding. Data declared in classes can be private, protected or public. Data hiding is possible.
We cannot add 2 objects, eg: object3=object1+object2 is invalid. Addition of 2 objects is possible, eg. object3=object1+object2 is valid.

C++ Class Declaration

A class is a user-defined data type, use for wrapping different types of data and functions together. A class is a collection of similar type of objects. A class member is accessed when it is instantiated (object created). C++ class declaration syntax:

class class_name
        variable declaration;
        function declaration;
        variable declaration;
        function declaration;

C++ Class - Example

Example 1: WAP to input student rollno, name and display it using class.

class student
        int rollno;
        char name[20];
        void input();
        void output();
void student::input()
    cout<<"Enter Student rollno";
    cout<<"Enter Student Name";
void student::output()
    cout<<"Student name is : "<<name<<endl;
    cout<<"Student rollno is : "<<rollno;
void main()
    student s;  //object created
    s.input();  //calling class function input
    s.output(); //calling class function output

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