Exercise Questions: 1D - Arrays / List

Exercise questions based on number collections, In C-Language we use arrays, and in Python use List to solve these programs.

  1. WAP to input 10 numbers and find sum.

    Solution: C

  2. WAP to input 10 numbers and find average.

    Solution: C

  3. WAP to input 10 numbers in array and find largest number.

    Solution: C

  4. WAP to input 10 numbers in array and find smallest number.

    Solution: C

  5. WAP to input 10 numbers in array and find 2nd largest and 2nd smallest number.
  6. WAP to input 10 numbers in array and find sum of odd and even numbers separately.

    Solution: C

  7. WAP that splits an array into odd and even numbers separately.
  8. WAP to input 10 numbers in array and reverse the array list.

    Solution: C

  9. WAP to Input 10 numbers in array and reverse the array list without using another array.
  10. WAP to input 5 numbers in 2 different arrays and Merge it in sorted order. Assuming that input numbers are already in sorted order.

    Solution: C

  11. WAP to input 5 numbers in 2 different arrays and Merge it uniquely.

    Solution: C

  12. WAP to input 5 numbers in 2 different arrays and Merge it in sorted order. Assuming that input numbers are not in sorted order.
  13. Create a menu with the following options: 1-Append, 2-Insert, 3-Search, 4-Update, 5-Delete, 6-Sorting, 7-Reversing an element in an array.
  14. Find factorial of each number stored in array.
  15. WAP to convert input number in words. eg: Input: 518, Output: Five Hundred Eighteen.